Alabama Underground
Damage Prevention Authority

The Alabama Underground Damage Prevention Authority (ALUDPA) is established for the purpose of enforcing the Alabama Underground Damage Prevention State Law, for reviewing penalty provisions, and for reviewing the adequacy of the Alabama State Law Enforcement Program.
The Enforcement Program is a complaint-driven process where a complaint may be submitted against an entity for violation of the Alabama Underground Damage Prevention State Law. A complaint may be submitted as information only and not designated for enforcement penalties.
A complaint may be submitted using the Complaint Form at this Website no later than 30 days after the occurrence of an alleged violation. The submitted Complaint Form is reviewed by the ALUDPA for determination of an alleged violation and for penalty provisions that may apply. The reported violator is then notified by the ALUDPA that a response may be submitted using the Response Form at this Website no later than 14 days after the ALUDPA notification.
For additional details, please refer to the applicable Website Links provided at the bottom of the page.
Information you need to know

Authority Board


Penalty Provisions

Complaint Process